Thursday, September 23, 2010

philly's please touch museum.

in early August, my cousin Megan treated (and it was an absolute treat!) Asher and I to an amazing place called the Please Touch Museum. It usually costs so much money, and when you see how many stations and play areas they have, you can understand why. Here's about 1/2 of the stations that we spent time in!

the "mad hatter phanatic" (the phillies' mascot is the Philly Phanatic)

starting out right...

part of the garden

How cool is this kid?

Did anyone else wake up early on Saturday morning like a nerd and have some drawing lessons with Captain Noah?....just me?

I was so excited!

a construction site!

they had a huge alice in wonderland area.

water play area

don't ask me how, but Asher marched right into this tree trunk and informed me he was going to build a fire! (there's a neighbor boy who plays with sticks...maybe from him)?

this was in the music area...everyone made a different noise

"tree chimes"...

three little bears...

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